AVID Pro CNC with UGRA Spindle
Get the latest updates by reading this page before you use it. ALWAYS!
For best results, reboot computer before each job.
Do an Air Cut. Always test your toolpath first.
Shut down CNC controller and computer when the job is complete.
Clean up after you are done. Follow the rules to keep your CNC router privileges.
Bring your own router bits and end mills.
Use a spoil-board. Spoil-board should be larger than the piece you are cutting so that it can be adequately secured to the surface. There may be some spoil-boards under the CNC Router.
Bring your own lumber. There may be some scraps that are free to use and they will be marked accordingly:
Purple - Free to use by Members
Orange - Reserved for Makerspace Projects
Red - Reserved for Firestorm Robotics
Always clean up. The dust collector will not capture 100% of the sawdust. You need to vacuum the surface, under and around the machine and any part where sawdust has accumulated.
Leave no trace. Do not leave your scraps here unless it is big enough to be useful to others. Scraps should be trimmed square so the outline of your artwork is no longer visible. If our scrap area is full, then everything goes out with you.
1/2" T-tracks, spaced 12"x12" provides a lot of clamping flexibility. Since the tracks are only 1/4" from the surface, a separate spoil-board is required when using the router.
Makerspace Edition
The computer connected to the router has VCarve Pro Makerspace Edition installed. Members can install the free VCarve Pro Makerspace Client Edition on their own machines. The client edition lets you do everything the Makerspace Edition except saving toolpaths. Just save your work to a flash drive and save the toolpath when you are at the makerspace.
We are not going to reinvent the wheel. Vectric has a lot of informative VCarve Pro videos on their site. Beginners must watch The Basics and finish the rest as needed.
Our router is configured to use the long side as the X-axis (landscape mode). This way, when you are standing in front of the computer screen but facing the machine, the X-axis goes left to right, Y-axis goes from nearer to farther as expected. The machine homes on X-min and Y-min.
Router uses . Toolpaths generated by , or any compatible CAM system can be used as long as they are configured properly.
Resurface the CNC router and make the surface smooth again.
Shop Manager Only: Members should not resurface the table.
This toolpath uses a 3" surfacing bit. There is a -1.5" offset on the Y-axis so that you can Set Y Zero using the edge of the surfacing bit. It has a cutting depth of 0.02" (0.508 mm).
Depth of cut of more than 2mm may cause the spindle to stall due to overcurrent if there are high spots on the surface. Always do an initial cut well above the surface to check accuracy since this toolpath uses the entire surface of the bed.
Make sure router surface is clear. Raise spindle about 2" off the surface.
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Zero the X Axis
Move the Y Axis until the edge of the cutting bit is on top of the edge of the board.
The following settings were provided by UGRA CNC. These are the last good known setting for the VFD. In most cases, you should not need to change these settings.
If any of the firmware setting was changed and the spindle no longer operates, you may need to do a factory reset and manually enter the settings below.
Unlock parameters
Frequency source Set to 1 to enable potentiometer
Run command source
Max frequency
Base frequency
AVR voltage
Set Sensorless Vector Control Will not work with 2 motors per drive
Set equal to motor amperage
Motor constant selection
Motor capacity
Poles setting
2 -> Run
Run spindle. Auto detection ___ should appear when successful
Increase value in case of weird sound. Read manual.
Control spindle speed by setting this parameter. Can be changed while spindle is on.
Vacuum clean the table surface automatically using a path similar to a Zamboni machine.
Shop Manager Only:
This toolpath uses a 3/8" end mill. Origin is at the lower right corner of the bed outside the MDF sheet. It has a cutting depth of 0.9".